“Safety Church” Dream 5/6/22

“Safety Church” Dream 5/6/22

I was in a large church in the north part Houston. It was named the “Safety Church”. I was there with three women I knew (didn’t know in real life – just in the dream). I began to notice some odd things about the people in the church – some of them were smoking cigarettes, some let a curse word slip out while they were talking, and just in general behaved loosely and liberally. Some of the men were dressed only in calf length shirts. At one point before the service began a lady in one of the front rows got up, went up on the platform and urinated on it in everyone’s view, and thought nothing of it. She resumed her seat as though it were a normal, natural thing. Others in the congregation noticed what she did but were not really upset. But one of the church leaders seemed a little peeved, not at what she did but that it was on the platform so that others onlooking from the outside the church could see it. So, he had to clean it up.

One of the women I was with began to move about. She had three sickly babies with her and began to interact with me. She said that she and most of the other members of the church had funny, tingly feelings in their heads and upper chests. She also pointed out two different worship banners that were folded up among the belongings of two of the congregants. There was also a banner that had been shoved into a corner of the church, mostly hidden. None of the banners had any beautiful fringe or elaborate ornamentation on them. There was no more of that kind of thing to be had. It was unavailable. I thought to myself, well, I have some fringe left over from when I used to make banners. But I didn’t mention this because I thought that maybe I would use it.

Anyway, the lady set up an appointment with some of the leaders of the church to decide who to adopt out the first sickly baby to. During these interactions it became apparent to me that the tingly sensations the people had was demonic possession that had hold of their heads and breathing. They freely acknowledged this. It turned out the three sickly babies were also possessed. The women also began to more blatantly reveal that their intent was to get me infilled with a demonic spirit. One of the women tried to get close enough to me to blow in my face because this was the way to transfer a demon. I rapidly got out of there.


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