As we all know, the internet is simultaneously a boon and a bane on our society. Much evil and harm is perpetrated. It has also facilitated the unification of the universal Body of Christ in the ideological and spiritual warfare currently being waged. We are joining together as never before in ‘real time’, with common goals. As the time approaches for us to rise and stand as one, we must be certain we remain under the command of our Captain, the Lord of Hosts. There is a danger of sinking to use the tactics of the enemy. As we battle the spiritual forces at work behind the scenes, we remember that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal”. We love our human adversaries and desire good for them. We pray for those (humans) who desire to persecute us. However we stand firm against the Evil One and declare that the gates of hell will not prevail on our watch.
Lord, our eyes are on You. (II Chron. 20:12)