I would feel guilty if I didn’t say something about the fallout of what’s going on in our post-election country right now. Please continue to pray that political corruption is exposed. But when the election results are overturned (go Sidney Powell!), we will be in for a rough ride. When the covert dealings of the thief who comes to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ (John 10:10) are brought into the light, he will ‘act out’ in ways that will affect all of us. So, it may be wise to take precautions.
Stock your pantries and think ahead, in case supply chains are temporarily disrupted. I don’t know how much we here in Texas will be affected but it’s best to be prepared.
Lord God, please allow this country to fulfill its destiny as a lighthouse of salvation and hope. May all who desire to live in a country whose builder and maker is God (Heb. 11:10) find a place of rest here.