Send Your Mighty Holy Spirit

Lord, send a powerful outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, the latter rain, into our country. May Your disciples glow with Your Light from within themselves and perform astounding signs, wonders, and miracles. May these things draw the crowds, like at the first Pentecost, described in Acts, chapter 2. May the people be attracted by Hope in the time of despair and chaos.

We cry out for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit for revival in us individually and in the country as a whole. We look to You for a flood of Living Water to flow through Your Church and into the world. We long for You to arise and send a powerful and mighty manifestations of Your Glory that would change hearts in the lowly and the elevated. We can do nothing without You.

May many people step out of deception to see, understand, and be converted to righteousness. Obliterate the veil of deception that has blinded the understanding of so many people. May true revelation and conversion come upon many. When they, even former opponents, begin to come into Your light, help us not ever to feel any resentment toward them but rather rejoice and work to gather them in. Cover the land like a thick blanket with conviction and repentance from sin. May they understand that conviction is a sign that they have been touched by God and that He is calling them to Himself.

Lord, send a powerful spirit of the Fear of God into our nation. By Your beautiful yet powerful Holy Spirit, send a powerful spirit of conviction to our country so the people will begin to understand that God is Holy and desires righteousness, and that they have committed the unpardonable sin of not believing that Jesus is the Son of God, and that because of their wickedness they will spend eternity in hell (John 16:8). Lord, anoint your disciples to teach conversion unto salvation to all who will receive. Baptize them with Your Holy Spirit to go forth as new creations.

Lord, when You established Your Church (Matt.16:15-19), You gave us the authority to bind and loose, and that the gates of hades would not, could not prevail against Your authority. We ask that You bind the enemy’s efforts to destroy this nation and loose the Holy Spirit to work in and through Your Body to bring deliverance and restore righteousness.

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