A Prayer for the Nation

          Holy Father God, I come to You in the Name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am redeemed by His shed Blood and am committed to serve and follow Him. I am a representative, an agent, of His government on the earth. Lord, I thank You for the way You have worked in the lives of men and women of faith in the past who have followed in Your footsteps – labored, sacrificed, prayed, and given their lives for Your kingdom. Now, it is the turn of my generation …

          Lord, I lift up this nation to You. You have blessed it mightily, but it has been unfaithful and ungrateful.  This once great country has become progressively more and more decadent through the decades, until it has now become little more than a cesspool of deception and debauchery. There is no hope of salvation apart from You. I plead for mercy, though it is undeserved. Help me, dear Lord, to rise up alongside the faithful ones of Your servants who remain. I take my stand, with them, in Jesus’ Name, against every satanic principality and power that would seek to exercise control over this nation. I break their power; and wrestle governmental processes from their control. You are the One to tear down and raise up leaders. I declare that Your Will would be done in America as it is in heaven. I ask that You send a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit that will overthrow the strongholds of Satan, cast down everything that opposes the knowledge of God, and bring spiritual revival to the hearts of the people May there be a strong desire to turn to righteousness and Truth. Lord, I plead and declare that Your purposes for this country would be fulfilled, and that America rises to be a lighthouse to the world, drawing men’s souls to You.

          In all this process, Lord, I pray for the unity of the true servants of God. May we grow from our childish ways and mature into the glowing Bride of Your intent. We desire to please You, Lord, and seek Your glorification on earth.

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