Either Way…

1/31/21 I believe we are at the end of the ‘age of grace’ – the 2,000 year hiatus in the Biblical Israeli timeclock. The revelation of Jesus Christ is upon us. Maranatha! So, as some believe, if there is soon coming a vast divine exposure of the corruption that is pervasive in our national government, the media, the educational system, etc., and that the elite power structure of our country is overturned, then that could set the stage for a vast revival. The miraculous intervention of God would so astound people that they would marvel at His working and open their hearts to Him. May truth, justice, and righteousness be so manifested in our nation that it would spill over into countries around the world! Or, as some believe, we are at the end of the unique American experiment of democracy, and that we are at a final endtime communistic (Satanic) implosion of our country, then that, too, could lead to a massive ground roots Christian revival. (Hopefully, an inbred independent spirit would prevent us from acquiescing too readily.) But being abruptly shaken from one’s complacency turns one’s attention to more existential matters, like life and death. Either way, consciousness is drawn to God. People would seek Him for help, or recognize His greatness, unlocking a receptivity to Christ’s offer of salvation. People have to want and ask to be saved in order to be saved. May His Church be ready to serve as He directs when the time comes.                  

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