Liberty Bell

About a month ago I was minding my own business, doing my daily Bible reading, when I heard the words “Liberty Bell” in my thoughts. Whaaat? I have no idea why such a term would occur to me.

The literal Liberty Bell was made and rang out in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the times of the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. In spite of several recastings, the monument maintained a persistant crack on its face. The Bible verse inscribed on it at its inception is Lev.25:10, “…proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” The Bell is historically symbolic of freedom from tyranny and oppression.

So, I can only suppose that when the thought came to me, it was referring to the political decision our country must make in this coming presidential election. We have a choice between individual liberty and socialism. Oh, how far we have come since the founding fathers met in Philadelphia to establish a new nation! God breathed on that group of men and dropped into their minds and spirits the vision of a country with ‘inalienable rights’ and liberty bestowed by the Creator.

Now we have the choice before us to either crumple the Declaration and the Constitution into a wad and toss it into the wastebasket, or continue to preserve the original vision.  As you may be able to tell, I believe this election is monumentally significant. Let’s pray the crack in the Bell does not become a calamitous fissure.


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