Prayer Over My Local Town – Aug 2020
We approach your throne, Lord, not because we are worthy but because we belong to the One who bought us and saved us out of the dark and corrupt world. Jesus bought us with His Holy Blood and cleansed us from our sin (Eph 1:7). Then He sealed us as belonging to Him by sending the Holy Spirit to indwell us (Eph 1:13). Because of this, Your Word, in (Heb 4:16) says that we can boldly come before Your throne to make our requests.
Holy Lord, we pray that the Kingdom of God be extended to Richmond and this whole county (Matt 6:10). You gave to Your church the keys of the Kingdom so that we can bind and loose in Your Name (Matt 16:19), and You said that whatever we ask in Your Name that You will do it (John 14:13). So, Lord, we ask that You, the Lord of Hosts, send out legions of angels to accomplish Your will and fulfill the words we speak in Your Name (Heb 1:14). By the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ we ask that every evil scheme of the Adversary is exposed and brought into the Light . With the power of the Holy Spirit and the workings of Your mighty angels we bind and cast down every enemy agent that is operating in this territory. We join our voices with others in the Body to cast down the strongholds of hate, anger, poverty, depression, illegal drugs, fear, hopelessness, sexual perversion of all kinds, pornography, gender distortion, murder, suicide, violence, division, and discord. We pray that they release their tentacles and be ripped out by the roots. We pray they release the hold they have, regardless of how long they have abided here or how strong of a hold they think they have. We forbid them rising again. All this in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, You have given us the authority, according to Luke 10:19 to tread upon serpents and scorpions. Therefore, every evil spiritual dart, arrow, or spear loosed against the people of God in Richmond will fall to the ground ineffective. Every demonic plot is exposed to the Light and cast down. We boldly ask that by Your Spirit You either redeem for Your Kingdom or remove, by the ballot box or any other means, every ungodly person from their position of authority or position of influence, and that every demonic stronghold that has reigned over the neighborhoods of this city be cast down.
We plant our flag and declare that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords over this territory. We raise Your banner in the Name of the Lord, with the high praises of God on our lips and a two-edged sword in our hands (Ps 149:6-9). We welcome the King of Glory to enter the gates of our city (Ps. 24:7-10), and in accordance with Zech.2:5 we ask that You would be a wall of fire around the city and that You would be the glory within it. May Your Presence find a resting place here among us and may the people live in peace and joy.
We praise You, Lord, that Ps. 89:14 says that righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. So, Lord, we ask that our city leaders, the police, firemen, healthcare professionals, social service personnel, those who work in our school system, and all public servants would have the highest ethical standards, and come into alignment with Your will and Word. Change their hearts, if necessary. Grant them discernment, wisdom, understanding, and the desire to do what is right in Your eyes. May any who resist Your righteousness be replaced in their positions.
May every pastor and spiritual leader be willing to join with each other and work with each other for their common purpose. May they put aside inconsequential doctrinal differences but remain steadfast in their defense of the basic Truths of our eternal salvation found in Holy Scripture.
Lord, we pray that every marriage and household in our area align with Your will and Your ways (Ps 25:4),and be filled with love, discipline, encouragement, and health. Lord, may no child be raised in a fatherless home. Keep every home healthy and filled with love, peace, and joy, and free from enemy influence.
Lord, You and You alone are the “Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6). For those who are lost on the path of their life’s journey, You are the Way. To those who have been misled by the ‘father of lies’, You are the Truth. To those who stand condemned by their sins, You are eternal Life. Holy Lord, we ask that, by the calling of Your Spirit, many thousands of people from this area would awaken to the knowledge of Your love for them and grasp on to You for salvation out of the darkness of this present world. May they be gloriously reborn and become new creations (II Cor 5:17) as children of the Loving Father. May Your Spirit seek out in every nook and cranny those whose hearts have been prepared to receive the seed of Your mighty Word and may they be born again and grow in fruitfulness. And since Richmond is the geographic center and the center of government of Fort Bend County we ask that these graces would be extended to every corner of the county.
Lord, we pray for the spirit, soul, and body of every citizen of this territory (III John 1:2). For their spirits, we ask for salvation and deliverance. For their souls, we ask for emotional healing, healing of mental illnesses, and life guidance. For their bodies, we pray for physical healing, deliverance from addictions, and for their daily food and necessities. As we have bound the work of the enemy, we now loose divine prosperity, peace, joy, and goodwill among all citizens. May every child of God be placed in their proper Kingdom position and find their purpose in life. May they begin operating in their giftings with joy and fulfillment.
We proclaim that Richmond and FBC are areas that You look upon with pleasure and favor. We come to You as living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1) and offer our services to help meet the needs of the people, both those already saved and those yet to be saved. But most of all, dear Lord, in spite of all these requests, our highest desire is just to worship You for who You are. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. (Matt.6:9-13 KJV)
Thanks for the helpful prayers for local cities.