For Those Who Don’t Know Jesus

For Those Who Don’t Know Jesus

Yes, there is an afterlife.

Your soul will continue to exist after your physical death. Your soul will immediately go to one of two possible destinations – either a place called Heaven or a place called Hell. Heaven is a place of eternal bliss, but only people who are without sin can go there. Hell is a place of everlasting pain and torment. The ‘default setting’ for everyone born on earth is to go to hell because right now Satan is the ruler of the world, and he perverted God’s intention for the world by rebelling against Him. Everyone born in Satan’s corrupt regime is a sinner. Some people think that they don’t need to be saved because they are already a good person. After all, they have never killed anyone or cheated on their taxes.

But the Bible says that ‘all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’. Because God loves us, He made a way for us to escape our earthly sinfulness by being born again as a new creation and becoming a part of His family. The way to do this is to have the Spirit of Jesus to come into you and begin to live inside of you.

You see, Jesus was pure and holy but He died a horrible, criminal’s death in order to take the punishment for all the wrong things we have ever done. He suffocated and bled to death from His beatings, the nails that pierced his hands and feet, and the spear that penetrated his heart and lungs while he hung on a cross. He took our punishment on Himself so that we could be washed clean and have a fresh start. On the third day after He died, He was resurrected (came back to life). By this, and by His teachings, and the miracles He performed while He lived among men, He proved that He was actually the Son of God who had taken on human form. He made a way for us to follow Him to heaven when we die. We are ‘born again’ and become new creations by believing in Jesus and accepting His offer to exchange our sinful natures for His pure and holy one.

Are you willing to risk your eternal future by not believing this?



When you are truly ready to receive this free gift from God, you can repeat the following words out loud. Really mean what you say. Talk directly to God:

Prayer to Be Saved

LORD, I am sorry for all the wrong things I’ve done and I want to turn away from the life of sin I am now living. I want to come into alignment with Your plan for my life. I ask that You would save me. I ask that You come live inside of me and wash me clean from all the wrong things I’ve done. Please forgive me, LORD. I believe Jesus came into the world, lived, died, and was resurrected so I could go to heaven. I want to do things your way now. I also ask that You fill me full of Your Holy Spirit to enable me to live my new life. Thank You, LORD, for loving me enough to come and change me so I can now live my life for You. Thank you, LORD.



You are now a new believer in Jesus (a Christian). All of heaven is rejoicing over you! We, as the Body of Christ on earth, welcome you as a new brother or sister.

Now what?

  1. Get a Bible and begin to read it. For hundreds of years the King James Version of the Bible was the standard. Now, there are other translations that are easier to read. Either the book of John, or the book of Matthew, would be a good place to begin reading. You may want to try looking up these two verses: John 3:16, and Romans 10:9-10.
  2. Begin to associate with other believers. If you don’t know where or how, ask the LORD to show you what you should do.
  3. Talk to the LORD (pray) as much as possible. Talk to him the same way you would talk to a friend
  4. Always remember, Jesus loves you and longs to shower you with blessings. Get ready for a new and amazing life journey!